[Italien 1918]
Muu nimi/muut nimet: Angrebet paa Monticello
Vandfaldene ved Termi
Lajityyppi: Documentary film / Feature film
Vuosi: 1918
Kesto: min / 9.00
Kuvaus: <p>Unidentified film, probably three different reportage films, with Danish intertitles:<br>The attack at Monticello.<br>A pigeon transports a message.<br>Alpine soldiers issue bread rations to wretched Austrian prisoners.<br>Alpine soldiers fight at 3000m<br>A large water reservoir.<br>Waterfalls at Terni.<br>The poetry of waterfalls.<br>Laundry.<br>A POW Joiner (Carpenter) and others at work.<br>The kitchen.<br>Food brought to prisoners in the workplace.<br>Soup.<br>Gymnastics.<br>Packets being delivered to POWs.</p>
Avainsanat: EFG1914
Sisältölähde: Det Danske Filminstitut
Väri: Tinted
Ohjaaja: unknown
Sound: Without sound